This menu allows you to select a "set" of conversion options to use. The Job menu allows you to select conversion options without using the Job Ticket. Get rid of the text in the current field. Paste the text in the clipboard into the current field. Copy the selected text into the clipboard. Cut the selected text and put it in the clipboard. The Edit menu has items to copy, paste, cut, and delete text from input fields. Quits the HTML Markup application. Brings up the sets window. Not available because it is already open. Brings up the sets window to create, rename, and remove sets of options. Print. Not available because this version of HTML Markup doesn't print. Page Setup. Not available because this version of HTML Markup doesn't print. Close the current window. Not available because there is no window to close. Close the current window. Show the Job Ticket. Not available because it is already open. Show the Job Ticket Open a file to convert. The File menu has items to convert documents, control windows, and control the program. The only thing it can't control is you. Shows you information about HTML Markup 2.0. Allows you to type in the URL of a graphic to use as the background pattern of your web pages. Uses the URL you've entered as a graphic for the background pattern of your converted web pages. Allows you to type in the name of the set you are about to save. Saves the current selections as a set with the given name. Renames the current sets. Hint: If you name a set "Default", it will be selected automatically each time you launch HTML Markup 2.0. Removes the current set from the list of sets. Saves the current selections as a set. Saves changes made to the sets and returns to the Job Ticket. Changes spaces in file names to underscores before saving. Leaves spaces in file names when saving. Removes spaces from file names before saving. Converts file names to lower case before saving. Allows you to specify the creator type of the converted web pages. Allows you to select a file creator type from a list of commonly-selected types. Prompts you for a place to save each individual converted web page. Saves converted files with the names of the original plus ".html" at the end. If the original ends with ".txt", that part is removed first. Saves converted files with the same names as the source files. Files with the same names are overwritten. If this item is checked, HTML Markup adds a few lines to your file giving the author credit. Uses the smallest header size when converting all-capital lines (if selected on the job ticket). Uses the second-smallest size when converting all-capital lines (if selected on the job ticket). Uses the second-largest header size when converting all-capital lines (if selected on the job ticket). Uses the largest header size when converting all-capital lines (if selected on the job ticket). Appends the date and time of the conversion to each converted web page. If this item is checked, the selected header and/or footer file(s) will be used in the conversion. Allows you to select a file to include at the end of all the converted web pages (registered version only). Allows you to select a file to include at the beginning of all the converted web pages (registered version only). If this item is checked, the comment line to the left will be used in the conversion. Anything you type here will be included in the source of the converted files, but won't show up when the user views the pages. If this item is checked, the color and pattern options will be used in the conversion. Allows you to type in the URL of a graphic to use as the background pattern of the converted web pages. Allows you to use the Standard Color Picker to select a color for the currently-loading links on the converted web pages. Allows you to use the Standard Color Picker to select a color for the links on the converted web pages. Allows you to use the Standard Color Picker to select a color for the already-visited links on the converted web pages. Allows you to use the Standard Color Picker to select a color for the text of the converted web pages. Allows you to use the Standard Color Picker to select a color for the background of the converted web pages. Closes the preferences window without saving your changes. Saves your changes and goes back to the Job Ticket. Allows you to select a single file to convert. To convert multiple files, drag the files in the Finder onto the HTML Markup icon or into any of HTML Markup's windows. Brings up the preferences window, which allows you to set advanced options like document colors, comment lines, headers, footers, and more. Allows you to select a set of conversion options. Brings up the sets dialog, which allows you to save your current settings, remove the current set, or rename the current set. Brings up the output ticket, which allows you to customize how the converted files are saved. Creates an index HTML file with links to all the converted files. Shows a summary upon completion with statistics for the conversion. Leaves any HTML code already in your file in place. Converts all inline ftp, telnet, archie, and http URL's into clickable links. Converts a line of all capital letters into an HTML header and automatically adjusts the case. Converts a series of 2 or more -'s into a line with a shadow, a series of 2 or more ='s into a short thick line, and a series of 2 or more *'s into a line without a shadow. Converts lines beginning with a # into items of an
    numbered list. Converts lines beginning with a - or • into items of a